
Search "user:Goldrider"

86 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Chess win#8

In Chess, the player who makes the second to last mistake is the winner.

General Chess Discussion - Do you have to study chess theory?#34

Openings do not have to be studied in detail until one is 1800 or so. Midgame tactics is the difference between a 1400 woodpusher like me and a strong 1800 tournament player. Fortunately, there is thi…

General Chess Discussion - Fast chess or slow chess ?#22

I like slow chess and I like tactical puzzles. I’m not a strong player, so, unlike the world champ for whom slow chess is a draw, and therefore plays 1+0 Chess when here, I like to have time to think …

General Chess Discussion - A 1500 as winned the classical shield :o#6

In the case of Mentore, it looks like his rating is too low. What is interesting is that his classical rating was about 2200, roughly their blitz rating, in the mid-2010s, but it went down in 2019 and…

Off-Topic Discussion - How to world chess champions feel about the Ukraine situation#7

> Karpov is in Russian legislature (Duma). He voted in favor for recognizing the independence of Luhansk and Donetsk. I always admired Tony Miles, both as a person and as a chess player. He seems to h…

Off-Topic Discussion - Pro-Russian invasion lies go unchecked on Lichess#16

@Sleepy_Gary said in #6: > you see the propaganda and the shakey arguments it stands on are decimated in the comments. It comes down to the old “the answer to speech we don’t like is more speech” poin…

Off-Topic Discussion - what is ur fav game (gta, a us, minecraft, nfs or whatev)#28

My favorite game is solving those one-move checkmate chess puzzles. I have to post here to play the game though. Qxf7# was the one to post this one.

Off-Topic Discussion - For All who say Lichess Is Propaganda#11

To get a sense of Putin’s decision making progress, I suggest reading Garry Kasparov’s literature on the subject. I also like the chess CAPTCHAs here. Doesn’t affect my puzzle rating the way the forma…

Off-Topic Discussion - Russian apoligists/ deniers#55

>Jacobson v. Massachusetts >Buck v. Bell Both rulings were “we aren’t going to legislate from the bench” rulings. Jacobson v. Massachusetts says the legislature can pass a law mandating vaccines, and …

Off-Topic Discussion - Russian apoligists/ deniers#43

>Who could have possibly guessed someone named "vax mandates are bad" would have a shit take on Ukraine? I find it strangely ironic that it’s the conservatives who opposed common sense public health l…
