
Search "user:gavity"

121 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Why did EN-J0Y get banned?#7

Yeah it was really strange, whenever I played him in three check he always seemed much weaker than 2200. I thought that I just did well against him but ig he was boosting :P

Lichess Feedback - lichess database#1

will games being played between the time when the lichess database went down and the time when it will be picked up again still go into the database? Or will these games not go into the database? Sorr…

Lichess Feedback - i lost the game because could not connect to your server#8

Conncection is perfect, yet the reconnecting sign is appearing. Not seeing any lobby challenges and I can't join any tournaments :/. And it also says that Im offline even when Im online which doeesn't…

General Chess Discussion - Did you ever beat @zhigalko_sergei or @drnykterstein ?#28

last time i played zhigalko, i beat him 6-3 in 3 checks and then he blocked me

Game analysis - the legendary 151 move 3 check game - gavity vs stockfish level 8.#8

@Justin_Wen nice! Only thing is you forgot to troll ;)

Game analysis - the legendary 151 move 3 check game - gavity vs stockfish level 8.#1

why did he resign? he was only down over 40 points of material. By the way, is there a certain move limit where he has to resign?

General Chess Discussion - Thoughts on Puzzle Storm...#7

much better than That site is so messed up these days lol. very fast and i love the idea with the time. Only complaint is that there seems to be repeating puzzles sometimes, and i have only…

Lichess Feedback - 3 check stockfish 12#1

Hello, the stockfish 12 for 3 check seems to have some issues. For example, in the position after e4, e6, nc3, c5, nf3, nc6, e5, d5, nb5, a6, nd6+, bxd6, qxd6, d4, nf6, bd3, c4, 0-0, cxd3, re1, I have…

Lichess Feedback - opponents' time kept increasing#3

you were gaining time as well i guess you just didn't realize it :/ @hiltoncharles

3+ World Championship - Match Times and Results Forum#119

gav vs vo pacific california america time 11:00 AM this friday @VariantsOnly
