
Search "user:fluffiergorgon"

38 forum posts
Game analysis - My opponent played Pf6#9

@MagnusSonOfKiwis its fine lol I didn't get the idea that it might've been a joke until I posted that

Game analysis - My opponent played Pf6#7

@MagnusSonOfKiwis it really isn't that good of a move. Not playing g6 to block the check leads to mate with good play playing g6 hangs a rook and if he plays that horrid opening ok, its probably gonna…

General Chess Discussion - What is your favorit opening?#9

@Qwertise you could probably premove c5 if you play the symmetrical english too haha

General Chess Discussion - Lucky checkmate#3

what is this game lol

General Chess Discussion - Getting comfortable with my opening repertoire#3

maybe try adding something like a pirc defense due to its similarities to the Kings Indian. if you want some completely different stuff maybe a sicilian or QGD

General Chess Discussion - What is your favorit opening?#7

it says c4 is the sicilian lmao, I think that might be a bit wrong

Game analysis - My best mating pattern I'll probably ever have#8

@WinterSoldier_wkca yea haha, to be fair like 4 of them were positional and one was a mouse slip, I'd say I didn't too that bad for playing I high theory opening i've only just started learning

Game analysis - My best mating pattern I'll probably ever have#1 Idk how I did found this, I probably made a few mistakes since I'm a 1500 playing the dragon, but hey the mate was nice

General Chess Discussion - I have played rapid arena and my rank came 30/217 is it good?#5

@AnonymousChessKing smurf?

General Chess Discussion - Gambits you should learn#6

@KingsKnightTwitch Heard of stafford, kings gambit and queens gambit (also played it) never heard of the scottish gambit though. Ill check it out, thanks! :)
