
Search "user:earlpurple"

314 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Slower time controls#19

If your rapid rating is 1291 it's highly unlikely you'll win anything. I do think that some of the Rapid Arenas organised by Lichess should have increment.

Lichess Feedback - Slower time controls#16

It's not called "marathon" but it's a 12 hours tournament at a slower time control. Just play in it (join one of the teams) and enjoy playing chess at a slow time control

Lichess Feedback - Slower time controls#14

@Kyrylokkk said in #7: > From 10+5 to 20+0, but Marathon Last week there was a rapid arena that ran the whole of Sunday for several hours. Check my recent play history where I played 2 games there and…

Lichess Feedback - Appeal#8

@SergioGlorias said in #6: > You can pause, in the arenas, but using it to define who you will play now is the problem > Example: "I want to play with player A, so I'm going to pause and wait for him …

Lichess Feedback - Inappropriate lichess site rules.#50

@Toadofsky said in #48: > The chess clock offers many wonderful settings, so players can play "30 seconds per move" or "1 minute per move" etc. as desired, with whatever base time they desire. It does…

Lichess Feedback - Weird Bug#4

This game: was actually me as white playing Anonymous, as I sometimes do. The actual game had continued: 1. f4 d5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. e3 e6 4. Bb5 Bd6 5. O-O Nf6 6. b3 O-O 7.…

Lichess Feedback - option to limit the time of each play#4

That feature could be implemented with a delay clock, and if you then set the time control to something appropriate. 0 + 1 minute delay would mean if either of you do not play any move within a minute…

Lichess Feedback - Equal endgame matchmaking - an idea for future developments#2

If you find enough people who want this, start a "club" and have an internal "arena" or "swiss" starting from a fixed position, preferably unrated in my opinion, but instead of a position just out of …

General Chess Discussion - why doesn't the opening noun "sandinavian Defense: Advance Variation" does it not exist ?#42

At any level of chess, taking your opponent out of their prepared lines can be a good thing, even if the move you play is not technically the best in the position. When you play 1. e4 you must be prep…
