
Search "user:davidharoldchess"

13 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Mate trap on move 6 in the English Opening#8

Good to know... I mainly just got this from my opening manual (FCO), which says that "there has not been much interest in proving that the position after f4 is playable for white" (or something like t…

General Chess Discussion - Mate trap on move 6 in the English Opening#5

Probably a bit late to respond to this thread, but as someone who has opening preparation for this as black, 5. Nxe5 Qe7 6. f4 is actually something black would be hoping for - white has to significan…

General Chess Discussion - Chess resources which explain the ideas behind opening, not just various lines#3

I'm maybe not the best person to give advice on this (I don't exactly have a high rating) but one book that really helped me in openings was Jeremy Silman's How To Reassess Your Chess (I have the 4th …
