
Search "user:bon-jovi"

18 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Useless training puzzles#14

>>>>>> The solution is fxe4 but I played Rxe4. The computer gives first as -7 and second as -6. Why do such puzzles even exist? Everything else being equal you must ta…

Lichess Feedback - Bug report in 3-check tournament#1

I played in the daily 3-check tournament today. I decided to berserk against two of my opponents. It took the time off my clock and I got to play with half the time, but when I won each of the games I…

General Chess Discussion - This is getting out of hand#7

Have you ever considered that maybe your opponent was thinking about what move to make yo avoid mate or set up a trap for you?

Lichess Feedback - Complaint: My tournament opponents are much more highly-rated than I am#7

Interesting perspective OP. I personally covet the opportunity to play opponents much more highly rated than I am. In the marathon my best game was with Lance550, a master, who was the leader and a mu…

Lichess Feedback - Chat in tournament games#2

Chat is a distraction. In over the board tournaments people don't chat during games except to offer a draw. We don't need that distraction in online tournaments either.

Lichess Feedback - Tournament double points#3

I didn't know you could do that. How do you sacrafice your clock? Thanks.

Lichess Feedback - Tournament double points#1

In this tournament the person who won got 3 points for a normal win and 6 when he was in the bonus points. This is very odd. What happened to give him an unfair advantage in tournament points? http://…

Lichess Feedback - Timing broken#2

The same thing just happened to me several games in a row. I'm taking today off playing. Hopefully its fixed tomorrow.
