
Search "user:bigpurpledinosaur"

17 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Hey, I have a dumb idea. AGE GROUP Tournaments!!!#2

You could make a team for players who are in a certain age groups and then create tournaments for that team. Of course people could be dishonest about their age but I don't see anything to gain in doi…

Game analysis - This is called " flagging"#7

You will be 1100 in no time!

Lichess Feedback - Playing in the future#1

I lost before I even started the game

General Chess Discussion - Which is better - d4 or c4?#20

#15 You would have got me too, if you didn't leave a comment to say you were rick rolling directly underneath your link I prefer d4 personally.

Game analysis - Black wins on time, with only a knight remaining.#1 Here is the game, I lost on time, however I was under the impression that it would be a draw as black had insufficient material to win. Can anyone explain why it…

General Chess Discussion - Black time out and it’s a draw???#4

If you have insufficient material to win it will end in a draw.

Game analysis - Just got timed out in my atomic game although I beleive i should have won#5

Hi, sorry for the blank post. I made a mistake so I tried to delete the post, unfortunately I can't, but ended up deleting my comment in my efforts to try. If a mod wants to delete this thread that wo…
