
Search "user:VirgilDantes"

15 forum posts
Off-Topic Discussion - we may be dead and in a simulation right now.....#9

@CSKA_Moscou said in #2: > I can coach you if you really need help to improve your chess skills i dont have money nor the energy :(

Off-Topic Discussion - we may be dead and in a simulation right now.....#8

@Dukedog said in #3: > Man sometimes you just gotta stand tall, stand alone and just say to yourself screw em all . Real friends don't desert you. You know you can't let other people define you. Stay …

Off-Topic Discussion - we may be dead and in a simulation right now.....#6

@nadjarostowa said in #4: > You mean you did not improve during the one game you have played here? Damn! @LordSupremeChess said in #5: > So, because you can't improve in chess means humanity doesn't e…

Off-Topic Discussion - we may be dead and in a simulation right now.....#1

my friends deserted me, i'm all alone in this world and am not improving at chess at ALL! everyones getting meaner by the day :(

General Chess Discussion - silence at my game like the horror film " silence of the lambs"#1

i'm usually a good player, making about 2-3 inaccuracies otb games and about 3ish mistakes per game on average and i try to keep this up by solving puzzles online. i played a game against someone a co…
