
Search "user:VihaanDumir"

248 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Detecting Cheaters#5

This is all very subjective, it depends on the game/games in which you are claiming they cheated,

General Chess Discussion - Please explain this to me.#4

Einstein had a famous quote abut how Lasker was a brilliant mind who wasted his life on chess.

General Chess Discussion - Please explain this to me.#3

If you can play chess, you are a man of honour. If you dedicate your life to chess, your are wasting your life.

General Chess Discussion - Overated and Underated european countries (for FIDE rating)#7

This isn't European but Vietnamese people are very underrated eg; Tuan Minh Le. Also, obviously Indian people are underrated.

General Chess Discussion - Dont take this to seriusly but its an idea .#12

I know, but I think almost everyone is aware it is an option and everyone should be able to know their opponent's strength if they want to.

General Chess Discussion - Dont take this to seriusly but its an idea .#10

A lot of titled players would.

General Chess Discussion - Dont take this to seriusly but its an idea .#8

I think it's only fair that people know their opponent's strength.

General Chess Discussion - Dont take this to seriusly but its an idea .#7

Anonymous mode where you can hide your rating isn't bad idea but should not be a thing that is forced and is already an option with zen mode.

General Chess Discussion - Dont take this to seriusly but its an idea .#6

@JanMur7 said in #4: > @VihaanDumir @Shadow1414 I think you missed the their point. He said this should only be allowed for titled players, and the rating would take away not much if they were 3000, s…

General Chess Discussion - Lichess to FIDE general conversion#23

Let's go I'm apparently rated 2053 though I think it may be a reasonable formula
