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355 forum posts
Off-Topic Discussion - What is the meaning of life?#42

@sdkman said in #41: > I am sorry sister It’s okay buddy

Off-Topic Discussion - Forum Topics That Make People Happy#12

@salmon_rushdie said in #11: > threads about among us, I'm bored, 1+1 and IZ INFINITY REAL are big hits here Don’t forget: messi vs ronaldo and ask me anything and so and so is a sandwich

Community Blog Discussions - Announcement!#1

Comments on

Off-Topic Discussion - What is the meaning of life?#36

@sdkman said in #33: > Thanks brother I’m a girl. :)

Off-Topic Discussion - Help me#1

Hello everyone! Right now I’m working on a story and it’s kinda different from my regular works. Kinda different, but not too different.i need your help to make it. So guys, this is my plan: A group o…

Off-Topic Discussion - How do people do this?#3

@Dukedog said in #2: > You see that thumbs up icon in their profile? > Click on that and you'll block them. No buddy, I don’t mean that. I mean how to they do it like this:…

Off-Topic Discussion - How do people do this?#1

Like..some people block their messages and we have to click on, “view blocked message” to see it. How do they do this? Can someone teach me? Btw I’m using an ipad

Off-Topic Discussion - What is the meaning of life?#27

@sdkman said in #10: > This isn't life > From my perspective God said in the Quran: > He will say, "Oh, I wish I had sent ahead [some good] for my life." > Showing that this life isn't life in itself …

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Community Blog Discussions - About me#3

Thanks so much for the views! Gosh!
