
Search "user:The_Daethalus"

96 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Please add an option to unsubscribe from official blog posts#2


Off-Topic Discussion - Proverb of the Day: *What Goes Around - Comes Around*#10

And the modified version by Terry Pratchett is: "What goeth around, cometh around." - Igor(1) (1) All of them.

Team clousems - Ask clousems. Get bad answers.#3

What do you think is a good way to come up with interesting names for spaceships in a game?

General Chess Discussion - Why would someone's correspondence rate have a big difference to his classical rate?#7

I have the opposite problem. I have a lot of time in correspondence, so I usually don't think enough on my moves.

Off-Topic Discussion - Can you read this (Not in any other language.)?#47

!yltcerroc meht etirw ot woh wonk ll'ouy dna ,cibarA ro ihdniS ,othsaP ,udrU ,werbeH nrael ot evah tsuj ouy won ,yanwynA !!egassem sih fo trap tsal eht erongi tsuJ !enoyreve yeH !wonk ot eploep tnaw d…

Off-Topic Discussion - Can you read this (Not in any other language.)?#45

tahT.swodniw rac ni sdrawkcab gnitirw deirt evah I .nuf saw

Off-Topic Discussion - Can you read this (Not in any other language.)?#44

Y pu ot pu nwod morf gnidaer esrever duolc ouy ro .nwod .ecnetnes ot ecnetnes morf hctiws ylmodnar neht dna .noitautcnup dna . taht od I fi noitazilatipac eteled ylbaborp duolhs .opyt eht rof yrroS .s…

Off-Topic Discussion - Can you read this (Not in any other language.)?#42

.slobmys fo snoitaremolgnoc taeper ot ton gniyrt m'I ,oslA .ti no gnikorw llits m'I .rekaeps hsilgne tnorf ot kcab evitan a ton ma I .driew si hceeps ym fi yrroS .slaudividni emos tcartta ylbissop dlu…

Off-Topic Discussion - Can you read this (Not in any other language.)?#40

?knihtouyodtahw.etalsnartotredrahsitahtfikdi.secapstuohtiwsdrawkcab :os ekil sdrow epyt dluoc ouy ebyam rO .backwards dna forwards gnitanretla Words :ecnatsni rof ,etorw uoy fi si gnisufnoc erom neve …

Lichess Feedback - Game Progress#2

It's a draw after fifty moves from the last capture or pawn move. That's it. A 100 move rule would be pushing it, don't you think?
