
Search "user:Supersanic"

43 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Why I am NOT 1700 Rated#4

You're proud you beat an "opponent" that blundered a queen on move 5? How does this prove your chess strength? You're free to go to the quick pairing menu and see what your real lichess rating should …

General Chess Discussion - Who wants to play these crazy positions against me?#3

I'll try #11.

General Chess Discussion - best personal tournament tpr#6

2625 for me. (Only 3 games though)

General Chess Discussion - Most Personally Annoying Opening to go Against?#46

@Funkmaus There you go, you'll never get beat by that trap again. :) @sheldonleecooper515 Now it should be pretty easy to find my comment haha

General Chess Discussion - 1000 ways one could lose a chess game#17

Internet disconnect

Lichess Feedback - Bug report: Clock in embeded board starts running#2

I've noticed this as well. It's fixed once the game starts(the time resets to where it should be), but I definitely think it should be fixed. Good job posting about it :)

Lichess Feedback - Why doesn't my bullet rating show up if you hover over my name?#1

If you hover over my name, and my ratings at the different variants show up, it doesn't show my bullet. It has Blitz, Rapid, Correspondence, even Antichess where my rating is provisional. But my bulle…

General Chess Discussion - i indirectly defeated magnus carlsen.... wow#10

@supersanic > @aloysiusdanangds > @mf_miftahulhudany > @KreuzbergCoffee > @astramariy > @alireza2003 > @drnykterstein Could've gone through penguin, alireza, or RebeccaHarris for the second to last...…

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Lichess Feedback - easiest way to keep track of your games?#2

Hover over the area with the names of the players, then click the little star to bookmark games that you want to come back to.
