
Search "user:SeniorPatzer"

135 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Puzzle Storm career is finished#2

That is absolutely amazing. So fast, so accurate. Stockfish couldn't even keep up. Congratulations!!

General Chess Discussion - FEN (Forsyth Edwards Notation)#28

Was "Forsyth Edwards" two people with the last names Forsyth and Edwards? Or is it one person's name who's first name is Forsyth and last name is Edwards?

General Chess Discussion - Anyone with a methodical way of spotting/solving tactics?#22

Methodical is good for classical chess when it's your opponent's turn to move, and you get to think on his/her time. Methodical in a rapid or blitz game has gotten me flagged with winning positions, m…

General Chess Discussion - Welcome to try an application I made to improve your opening repertoire.#27

@Gitarrtomten, #24. Yes a video would be useful and helpful.

General Chess Discussion - Why is the Dutch defense not popular?#16

The Dutch Defense feels like you're pulling down your pants when you expose your king like that.

General Chess Discussion - A List of Questions | What do you think (during play)?#31

In time pressure I'm thinking how unorganized my thinking is. And then I blunder. Hope that helps.

General Chess Discussion - What is the most effective way to practice solving puzzles in order to improve`?#35

@teerdurchzogen, much thanks for the assistance on Chess Tempo!!

General Chess Discussion - What is the most effective way to practice solving puzzles in order to improve`?#22

Is there a tutorial for how to use Chess Tempo tactics? It didn't seem intuitive or easy to use like LiChess puzzles.

General Chess Discussion - My System Chapter 1 - On the Centre and Development#5

Hey Dave, What translation are you guys using?

General Chess Discussion - Let's talk about flagging opponents#35

When I'm in a lost position, but win because I flagged my opponent, I kinda feel like it was a cheapo victory. And visa versa. I know that the clock is the 33rd piece, but it still feels kinda yucky t…
