
Search "user:PaulC123"

123 forum posts
Off-Topic Discussion - From Biden to Harris#13

@Raspberry_yoghurt said in #9: > As a European, I like that she does not support Russia like the Republicans do now. (The Republicans and Fox and people like Tucker Carlsen seem like Russia because th…

Off-Topic Discussion - From Biden to Harris#12

@Jchess202 said in #11: > @PaulC123 > > I’m sure you will disagree but I want to respectfully answer your question. > I’m happy that the Biden-Harris administration accomplished: > > THE AMERICAN RESC…

Off-Topic Discussion - Climate effects may be even worse than IPCC says#44

Fallacy? Lmao ... Libtard your thought process drips with logical fallacy... FYI .... I'll stop using the term "Libtard" when you stop virtue signaling with the Rainbow tag and grow up. Secondly... li…

Off-Topic Discussion - Climate effects may be even worse than IPCC says#42

@s2numbuq35i said in #41: > Yeah, because if Times Square is not flooded today, how can there be global warming. > > But I think you're joking, because if Times Square flooded tomorrow, I doubt you wo…

Off-Topic Discussion - Climate effects may be even worse than IPCC says#37

@SupremeCrowOfJudgeme said in #35: > @PaulC123 > > What's your background in science if any (I.e. is it anything further than a high school diploma) > > Just curious It's 3 B.A.s Poli/Sci Economics an…

Off-Topic Discussion - Climate effects may be even worse than IPCC says#36

And just in case you think the Climate change is real..... Greenpeace co-founder calls it garbage Noam Chomsky: …

Off-Topic Discussion - Climate effects may be even worse than IPCC says#34

Here we go again with the Climate hoax crap!! You libtard"s always roll with that garbage every election year!!!!

Off-Topic Discussion - From Biden to Harris#6

@Noflaps said in #5: > Why will you be thankful, @jchess202? Have you truly enjoyed the last three and a half years? If so, what about them have you liked? It's always interesting to hear what pleases…

General Chess Discussion - Did you come to lichess from

I play on Both... that said its 80% LIChess and 20% A) the average player on LIchess seems/appears to be more mature (those I take up games with or communicate with on the forums ) B) The ga…

General Chess Discussion - How to fight trolls?#4

if your a troll magnet... what are you doing? You talking trash... then when you loose (or win) ... the chin music ratchets up? Just ignore the tards ... or block them.
