
Search "user:Optichamp"

15 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Offering draw with one move to mate#10

The situation you're describing is like what happened in one of my rapid games; we had been talking in the chat while playing and I made an unsound sacrifice, baiting him into taking the piece. In the…

General Chess Discussion - Offering draw with one move to mate#9

I don't see why someone wouldn't be allowed to offer a draw even if they are about to get checkmated. Accepting a draw is entirely your fault buddy...

General Chess Discussion - I can't stop resigning - talk me off the ledge#34

For me, the single biggest factor in causing what you're describing is tilt. I tilt in bullet and blitz all the time, but in rapid and classical I employ heroic efforts not to tilt.

General Chess Discussion - Can't get past 1350 rating#24

If you want to get a higher rating, don't resign after losing a pawn like in this game you played. Why did you give up so soon? People will blunder back. :

General Chess Discussion - Any tips for rapid?#2

@DhyanArvind said in #1: > I’ve been stuck at 1500 in rapid for 5 months. How can I get to 1600 in rapid? Take your time on each move, slow down. Write the move down if necessary. Focus your opening r…
