
Search "user:MillenniumBug"

63 forum posts
Community Blog Discussions - Science of Chess (kinda?): Viih_Sou's 2. Ra3?? and a modest research proposal#30

What I was trying to say was this: Your theory appears to be that preparation of Ra3 will give you an edge. And you wish to prove your theorem by showing better results, against an engine, with 2. Ra3…

Community Blog Discussions - Science of Chess (kinda?): Viih_Sou's 2. Ra3?? and a modest research proposal#27

Here's how you can challenge your own idea > "Assign Stockfish to play White at very low strength." It should not be that low. For your experiment to make sense, it should be a strength that YOU can N…

Community Blog Discussions - The Great Eval Bar Debate:'s Broadcasting Style#20

Strange to write this during the ongoing Candidates, without mentioning the super-chill Lichess and FIDE broadcasts. There are different ways of using the eval bar. "OMG LOOK THE BAR!"-style is not ve…

Lichess Feedback - Broadcast pages#4

I love the new pages too, and ... This is slightly OT but - old or new - I just cannot find any broadcast pages on my iPhone app. What am I missing?

Community Blog Discussions - Understanding Risk in Chess#4

Nico post. I actually often think like you suggest. 1. "If it's too complicated, don't go there." 2. But I also: "If it's a bit complicated, trust your calculation." That can work a fair amount of tim…

Lichess Feedback - The FSM flair was removed. Why?#11

> Thibault said: I'm sorry my fellow Pastafarian, we decided to remove all flairs related to religions, to avoid tensions - something they tend to create. Well my religion is smile like there was no p…

General Chess Discussion - Lichess Masters Database: Nepo - Ding match gone ?#1

In this position Ding played 8 ... Nc6 in the Nepo - Ding worldchamps 2023 That game used to, and oughta, …

Community Blog Discussions - Leaning into discomfort#7

The first one IS mate in two. Nxf4+ Kg3 Rg2# (The pawns cannot recapture, white moves towards you) The second one, I see that white can threaten smothered mate in 2, but black can protect d6 with Nc6,…

General Chess Discussion - Why this game cannot be a named puzzle?#11

Very easy to see, and the same mating idea is a very well known opening trap, in the Budapest Gambit. Rating ? 1500 maybe

General Chess Discussion - How do you visualise chess positions?#55

Thanks for a great post. I wanted to answer immediately but wanted a good example: I am at a measly 1600 ELO, with a decent 2200 puzzle rating here. For me it is [perhaps] not a question of V vs M of …
