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5 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - the abort button#9

@AsDaGo said in #7: > You could also start a new game without aborting the old one. Of course, then they might make a move after you start a new game and you'll have to play two at once, but at least …

Lichess Feedback - the abort button#8

@InkyDarkBird said in #6: > If you lower the time to 1 minute, people may say that it is too much. > If you lower the time to 30 seconds, people may say that it is too much. > If you lower the time to…

Lichess Feedback - the abort button#5

@InkyDarkBird said in #3: > You aborted the game, not them. > The opponent gets the warning if they let the starting time run out. yes, I know. but my point is why. I'm not talking about aborting for …

Lichess Feedback - the abort button#4

@CanadaQuebec said in #2: > Well if you abort you need to be warned since aborting a lot is not a practice the "site" wants to see. If you want to complain join my voice in saying that the message "wa…

Lichess Feedback - the abort button#1

Here's the picture -- I wait for an opponent to make the first move - it never happens - the countdown starts on the side of the screen for auto-abort - sometimes it's a minute - cant be bothered to w…
