
Search "user:Jimemy"

79 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - The meaning of clicking "good game" when you won#27

I am a douche, but I mostly ever type good game when I think it is time for my opponent to resign. Example an endgame king queen versus king. I should stop this, it is bad a behaviour.

General Chess Discussion - Im cant get 2000 blitz rating#8

@blunder_and_lose said in #1: > Max point 1900+ and down 1850 now :( > Im play only 3+0 Same as me, max 1900+ but now around 1850. Only difference is that I play 5+0 instead of 3+0. I think 2000 in bl…

General Chess Discussion - To people good at chess are you good at other multiplayer games?#3

@ChiefBurrito said in #2: > What do you mean by multiplayer game? Chess is 2 people. Is this "multiplayer" or are you talking 4 player chess and 4 player games like card games (e.g. euchre) or a board…

General Chess Discussion - To people good at chess are you good at other multiplayer games?#1

I used to play a multiplayer game for close to ten years. I was good but never really good at it. And people with the same time spent as me on the game was way better. Now when playing chess I feel li…

General Chess Discussion - Correlation of puzzles played to rating#17

I would look at Rapid or slower game when comparing since Blitz and Bullets adds other kind of skills to like doing non loosing moves fast to win time over your opponent. Also maybe look at rating 190…

General Chess Discussion - Need some peptalk#17

@Autofill said in #16: > Do you still need pep talk No more tournaments planned for me right now

General Chess Discussion - Need some peptalk#15

@Alientcp said in #10: > You dont know of any chess club where you live, > > There is always one, whether schools or hiding somewhere. Go ask any school according to your age. Sometimes they play on t…

General Chess Discussion - Need some peptalk#9

@MrPushwood said in #7: > If you really want to improve, OTB is the way to go. Yeah it would be fun but we don’t have a chess club where I live. If I reach 2200 Rapid I might consider to go to a chess…

General Chess Discussion - Do you play

Yes I play on I have more games there. My username is Jimemy there to.

General Chess Discussion - Do you play in a chess club?#24

Nope but I might start to go to chessclub if I reach 2200 Rapid.
