
Search "user:HeBerbom"

14 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Chess960 ratings split bullet blitz rapid classical#2

If they did it with chess960, they'd have to do it with horde, atomic, crazyhouse, racing kings, antichess, king of the hill and three-check as well. This result be a lot of numbers (and statistics) t…

General Chess Discussion - Rating change on decimal point gain.#1

Hypothetically, if I played an OTB tournament, and gained 13.3 rating pts, would my new rating be 13pts or 14pts higher than my initial rating?

Lichess Feedback - Time losses in positions with no legal mating sequence.#1

I was curious to see how the scoring system works on this site in cases where a player runs out of time. As far as I've understood it, this is how it's supposed to work: The player who runs out of tim…

Lichess Feedback - Petition to add Bughouse as a lichess variant#41

