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103 forum posts
Off-Topic Discussion - Post the last song you listened to.#1209

Lol, I learn it on Folk Guitar for my little baby girl

London System Club of Lichess - Black Plays Copycat Line#4

Hello, These are the lines given by Ginger GM in it's youtube videos : (with a tricky variation i learnt by heart in the case the opponent falls in.) https:…

General Chess Discussion - Invent a dumb opening in chess!#13

Without forgetting the Braveheart opening : The king launches an assault, and everyone follows !

General Chess Discussion - Invent a dumb opening in chess!#12

There is the Bagdad System. It's invented by the Lyon chess club president The concept : Saddam runs under the bombs... Thens goes into its bunker, and counterattack. So black has to avoid this if he …

General Chess Discussion - How to cross 2500 blitz rating here?#42

@BadShogiplayer Sazuna is part of the main team of our chessclub and this one is about to play at the highest level in France next year. And I think she wants to play at top level so yes i think ratin…

General Chess Discussion - How to cross 2500 blitz rating here?#38

@Sazuna Yes I Know :) 2500 is the level of (IM) Guillaume Philippe on lichess !!! Did you beat him one in blitz ?

General Chess Discussion - How to cross 2500 blitz rating here?#36

@Sarg0n It's just self improvement... I was 1700 tactics (y -2) then 1900 (y -1), and then around 2000/2100 too, and I learnt more on endgames, openings, positionnal motifs. It's not some kind of infl…

General Chess Discussion - How to cross 2500 blitz rating here?#34

@Sazuna I feel the same against >2000 players on lichess... I felt the same against 1700 lichess 2 years ago, and 1800-1900 last year.

Off-Topic Discussion - US socialism#48

@clousems The difference I'm talking about : Activities and means are general Work/Labour and capital is the specific form it takes, the specific function it has in capitalism: A-M-A' : to transform m…

Off-Topic Discussion - US socialism#45

@clousems "land, labor and capital" : labor and capital are a bit unprecise, as they are fundamental categories of capitalism and have no sens without it. The precises terms are activities and "moyens…
