
Search "user:FriendlyBeholder"

22 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - The "takeback request" option should be done away with.#8

Lol. Yes, the Japanese Mafia. I've read a book on them. Obviously though, this is just some young boy who is at the stage where he thinks things like that are cool. Speaking of the draw offers, I just…

Lichess Feedback - The "takeback request" option should be done away with.#6

What just happened to me explains why tlm2501. I just played two games with a new user named "yakuza". In both games he asked for takebacks when he got in a bad position. In the second game when I dec…

General Chess Discussion - How Can you tell if someone is cheating?#2

A lot of them are so careless that they will play Stockfish level 8 mirror games on the same account they're playing the human opponent, so you can just look at their profile and tell. I always check …

General Chess Discussion - Cheating going on right now#2

In case someone sees this later Game he's playing with human opponent Stockfish 8 mirror game he's playing at the same time

General Chess Discussion - Cheating going on right now#1 This is the third cheater I've caught within a week.

General Chess Discussion - Possible cheater? #3

Thanks Legend. I just now noticed also in the game stats for all his wins today the pie chart of move times is much more regular for him than his opponents too. Like in his game with Dimmer, Dimmer's …

General Chess Discussion - Possible cheater? #1

Earlier today I played a guy named Francisco1994. When I played him, he was rated 1143 and had an average opponent ELO a little bit below his own. He played e4 and I played the Sicilian defense. He we…

General Chess Discussion - Is there any way/place to learn chess strategies?#2

There are a ton of resources on the internet that can help you. Videos, pdf files, etc. Many can be gotten for free. Try this site

General Chess Discussion - Ya'all terrible#5

Says the guy with the average opponent ELO 300 points lower than his current ELO. There are many good players on this site. This is one of the few sites were the ratings are actually deflated. A 1200 …

Lichess Feedback - The "takeback request" option should be done away with.#4

The option to offer a draw should only be available if it's a relatively equal position. If it's, say +5 points to the other side they should not have the option to offer a draw.
