
Search "user:Dmitri_Fatkin"

110 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - a4 Ra3 is actually good!!#13 This one is so much better for White, if a player likes uncommon openings: 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Nc3 Nf6 4. Rb1 (Bb4). Brandon Jacobson's "wandering Rook" concept remains…

General Chess Discussion - All About Cheating - Part 2: The Psychology and Pathology of Cheaters#35

Here's a small, yet useful addition to the above points - 7) weird exchanges: Didn't find enough time to annotate the second chapter, although, 8. O-O is self-expla…

General Chess Discussion - a4 Ra3 is actually good!!#10

If the idea is to play it seriously, the proper setup for Black should be 1... a6, 2... Ra7, without unequal exchange.

General Chess Discussion - Isa Kasimi (Igors Rausis) Died...#5

He should have felt 2015 was the right time to switch chess-related activities from competitive play to coaching. Nevertheless, he will be remembered, as Grandmaster from the 90's (by the middle of de…

General Chess Discussion - Play Against Computer with Evaluation Bar#2

Think it can be done by playing on the Analysis board without Best move arrows & the engine set to Stockfish 11 HCE to maintain some winning chances.

General Chess Discussion - Computer Evaluations#7

Lichess Feedback - Best engine configuration ?#6

@erdiegales said in #4: > I see that the analysis is slower lately If you'd like it to be never hanging upon initiating evaluation process of the engine's response move, use Stockfish 16 NNUE · 7MB or…

Lichess Feedback - Paired only with lower rated cheaters in game pools#3

These are restricted in game searching rights, not closed accounts. And - no, since such limitations are individually-assigned.

General Chess Discussion - Congratulations to TBest!#7

@TBest: congratulations on your accomplishment! :-)

General Chess Discussion - Does above 96% accuracy means he or she is cheating??#8

@Vijay25krishna If you're looking for circumstantial answer, made of not plain assumptions, you'd need to collect 500+ GM-level PGNs with the highest reachable accuracies of 100, 99, 98, 97, 96 & 95% …
