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General Chess Discussion - Zhigalko Sergei's name all over lichess#2

I guess he is a good player! But fame doesn't matter to me

General Chess Discussion - Do you?#20

you mean quitters always win?

General Chess Discussion - Do you?#18

Everyone have their own thinkings., and all of you are right.... You play for fun, improvement, and not at all for winning... We should remove the term of losing or winning from our minds

General Chess Discussion - Do you?#11

@MohammadAayanKhan , you are right to see your rating increase. But my point is that if your rating falls, don't stop playing chess. If you lose, just the same, don't give up

General Chess Discussion - Do you?#6

Some people play to win.. Some to just increasae rating... That is wrong

General Chess Discussion - Do you?#3

No... I mean not to be sad when I lose

General Chess Discussion - Do you?#1

Do you play for winnig? Cuz that is wrong... I play for fun. Would you like to play for fun, or winning?
