
Search "user:Avinash_Jeevanram"

27 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Which Titled player has played the most games on

@ThunderClap said in #14: > @Avinash_Jeevanram 'this guy' is a former world chess champion vlad kramnick Of course I know who Kramnik is. @Akbar2thegreat said in #10: > Which titled player has played …

General Chess Discussion - Which Titled player has played the most games on

@Akbar2thegreat said in #10: > Which titled player has played least games on Lichess? > ~ Definitely @MrPushwood You are wrong. Its this guy.

Lichess Feedback - Feature request: KO elimination phases for team battles/arenas#7

@jeffforever There's an issue with this idea. When the players start to notice that their team routinely gets knocked out of huge team battles, they will not join as a member of that team. They will j…

Lichess Feedback - I suggest adjustments to the rating change in berserk games#12

@Toadofsky said in #11: > The problem is that some players might try using the button as a form of rating insurance. Exactly. When people see that they are paired with a weaker opponent, they will ber…

Lichess Feedback - Correspondence Games#1

As you can see I have started a few correspondence games where the opponent is not playing his first move. Do I have to abort the games or will they get aborted after a certain period of time?

Lichess Feedback - Feature Request: Custom (Transparent) Background.#5

Bruh that feature already exists. @tmprkrl said in #3: > Top right (Username) > Background > Transparent just put ur link there.

Off-Topic Discussion - AP - Supreme Court halts COVID-19 vaccine rule for US businesses#3

The Supreme Court chooses the American Businesses and economy while the administration chooses vaccines and masks. Hard to choose a side.

General Chess Discussion - Is it possible to download the games of a closed account??#7

Use the wayback machine on brave browser. I was able to see all of @opperwezen 's games.

Lichess Feedback - Rating Deviation/ Confidence Interval#3

> I checked it already. Doesn't answer the above questions.

Lichess Feedback - Rating Deviation/ Confidence Interval#1

Rating Deviation is a number that controls how much rating you lose/gain after every rated match. It keeps increasing if you don't play rated games for a while. Does anyone know: 1) The rate at which …
