
Search "user:Altozoid"

65 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Stockfish hangs on "calculating moves"#3

it does for me too in the mobile browser, has been this way for months now. I simply gave up

Lichess Feedback - Does lichess declare every game a draw if 300 moves are played without a checkmate?#7

@Cedur216 said in #6: > well you got what you deserved for trolling your opponent :) exactly

Lichess Feedback - Feature request- a dumbed down mode that removes everything unnecessary for playing a game#2

zen mode + removing ratings is a start.. look at the preferences also (for example you can toggle premoves)

Lichess Feedback - suggestion zen mode button#4

Yes that would be really nice, esp. for the mobile site (or have the option always available when you click your name in top-right corner, sometimes the link is there sometimes it's not)

Lichess Feedback - Feature : Showing the name of a checkmate#2

Love the idea, my guess is it would be insanely hard to program (and detect the type of mate accurately) such that it wouldn't be worth the investment. However the puzzles already have this implemente…

Lichess Feedback - Date incorrect#3

literally unplayable

Lichess Feedback - What happened with glicko on January 21 ?#7

Your rating graph looks perfectly normal.....

Lichess Feedback - Can you not detect cheats on opposite side, when I'm 2 moves away to checkmate the guy#4

have no clue what you just said sorry. not sure I understand what the situation is, you're both flagged as cheaters. Maybe take a look at

Lichess Feedback - Can you not detect cheats on opposite side, when I'm 2 moves away to checkmate the guy#2

this is done automatically, it means your opponent had a lichess analysis tab open with the same position and with engine running. So yes he was cheating 100% sure, especially out of the opening the p…

Lichess Feedback - Vorschlag zur Bewertung von Spielern#2

your opponents are not cheating, you're just losing some of your games. can't win them all.
