
Search "user:Alramech"

153 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - How is this a draw?#3

When looking for threefold repetitions, it's not about making identical moves back-to-back. It's about the board position being the same three times.

General Chess Discussion - Why is Magnus Carlsen banned on Lichess?#3

He's not.

General Chess Discussion - how can we increase our speed in chess?#2

Do puzzles. Getting that pattern recognition will help you move more quickly and more confidently if you spot good moves.

General Chess Discussion - is levy Rozman's e4 course family friendly#5

Is it family-friendly, yes. Is it user-friendly, no. (from what I've heard)

Off-Topic Discussion - If Paul Morphy was in lichess.#5

I mean, 2200 would be at least 1200. So he is definitely not wrong.

Off-Topic Discussion - Some facts#2

I think I've seen that website URL before. So I'm assuming Rickroll.

Off-Topic Discussion - The most inspiring quotes#5

"Don't blunder." - Alexander Grischuk

Off-Topic Discussion - any problems come here#3

I can't figure out how to delete someone else's topic. How can I do that?

Off-Topic Discussion - What is the big deal of falling?#3

Well, depending on how high up you are, the ground beneath you, and whether or not you are able to catch yourself - it could end painfully or with injury. For instance, a more elderly person falling i…

General Chess Discussion - How do I beat good players?#5

In the immortal words of Alexander Grischuk: "Don't blunder."
