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6483 forum posts
Game analysis - Imposible win#2

Please send the link to the game, you don't need to send the entire PGN for lichess to embed it.

Off-Topic Discussion - A following#2

Forget it, it doesn't really affect you in any way. Just play normally and ignore it. You can even go into Zen mode if you really want to not see it

Off-Topic Discussion - Snapshots of nature#10

@mbrio1 said in #2: > I like going for a walk in the woods, hugging a tree and urinating against it. I swear they like it. I wish there was a skull emoji reaction

Off-Topic Discussion - Fun Game#37


Off-Topic Discussion - What's a BUGS bunny?#12

@morphyms1817 said in #9: > I was hoping someone would ask. > > It originates from dust bunny. A spider has permanently left their web and with it, decaying insect meal parts. All of it slowly withers…

General Chess Discussion - Can there even be a gg "good game" bullet at all?#2

All these blunders are the fun of bullet. Making blunders, hoping your opponent doesn't notice, playing riskily, lefonging, etc. It is a good game at the end unless someone is trying to intentionally …

Off-Topic Discussion - Looking forward to the Biden/ Trump debate#30

This is why I hate political forums - they devolve so quickly and before you know it, a moderator has to come and stop the situation from exploding. This is why the "friendly politics" forums devolved…

Off-Topic Discussion - im back#3

Forums used to be a lot better compared to nowadays, I don't check very often on the forums but I do occasionally post (like once every few months ig)

Off-Topic Discussion - Composed music#1

Making my first forum post in a while, I've been pretty busy with college. Anyway, I composed some more music - a set of 24 preludes as part of my opus 10…

Off-Topic Discussion - Your favorite kind of hard rock?#15
