
problems with audio

Recently I have no sound of moves, I got the red icon, but setting permissions in browser didn't help.
I'm in Linux, firefox v 124.
Strange enoughm if I set "speech", then I hear the moves, but I'd prefer the "standard" sounds
That's weird. First click and then click Send to Lichess. Mention the audio problem in your submission. That's for us.

Afterwards (for you), click the lock icon to the left of the address bar and clear cookies & site data for That might help.
I also still have this sound issue for a while now.
Strangely in analysis mode the sound for moves works for me.

In a game it only seems to work once in a game.
Once the game stops or when I open another tab in Lichess which uses audio it stops working.

This is on Linux (64-bit), with Firefox 115.0.2esr (64-bit).
Tested on a clean profile without any extensions also. Also tried enabling all permissions. It does not improve.

I've briefly looked at the Javascript/Typescript code for handling audio. I don't know why it would work in analysis, but not in a real game. I wish I could help debug this annoying issue.

@bobbel69 said in #3:
> I wish I could help debug this annoying issue.

You can.

First click and then click Send to Lichess. Mention the audio problem in your submission
for some it could be privacy settings in browser. Firefox - Click Settings - then Privacy and Security - Scroll down to Permissions - Autoplay - Settings - it could be on Block Audio as a default. Change that to allow audio and video.
@schlawg: Thanks for the replies. I've send the debug diagnostics now.

@paulw7-uk: Unfortunately this does not seem to work. I've also tried a separate profile with as permissive options as possible and this also does not seem to help (after a while the red icon appears again).

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