
The disconnection timer is stupid and makes no sense

@for_cryingout_loud said in #7:
> ok lets start of with your opponent talking bad of you in chat you can report them using
That is not the topic, and I doubt my opponent would be punished for something relatively mild, I merely wanted to share one of my frustrating experiences caused by this system.

> If you disconnect for the first time for 10 seconds its -10secs from the total time.
If that is truly how it works then it's even worse than I thought, in what world does that help with rage-quitting? Is there anyone who rage quits in intervals? If what you describe is really how the system works then it only strengthens my point: the system does a beautifully excellent job at punishing players with a poor connection, it is quite literally bult for that, in what way does having "total disconnected time" affect rude players who quit without resigning? What exactly does it prevent? Intermittent rage quitting?

> Should the system take position into consideration?
I never suggested this, nor do I think it's anything worth looking at, an engine evaluation does not accurately represent what the human players think of the position.

> No, I am saying that the way you want to change the system won't work, because of x or y reason.
The only change I ever suggested was simply removing any kind of disconnection timer, and the only thing you've said against that is that you don't want to wait a few minutes in the rare occasion where your opponent decides to be rude and disconnect without resigning (which you admit they'll be punished for anyways)
> I want it to be better but in a way that is fair and does not punish anyone for any reason but them not connecting back in a reasonable amount of time
Whatever you think is "reasonable" is entirely arbitrary, you previously said that 2 minutes was already too much, which sounds ridiculous to me, because once again, I might have 10 minutes on my clock, whether I spent 20% of that either being disconnected or thinking about my next move should not be ANYTHING of my opponent's concern.
@for_cryingout_loud said in #8:
> what makes you so special that lichess should prioritize your oh so precious time(time here is disconnect time) over another legitimate player's enjoyment? Is it because you have the privilege of a (in this case its the opposite so bad) internet connection?
This is such a terrible argument, what exactly am I gaining by losing games because I can't reconnect in time? Whether this system is in place or not, having a poor connection will always be a disadvantage, which is fine, it is how it is, but the system only serves to stomp on players with a poor connection when they are already down.
@headpats4free said in #11:
> If that is truly how it works then it's even worse than I thought, in what world does that help with rage-quitting? Is there anyone who rage quits in intervals? If what you describe is really how the system works then it only strengthens my point: the system does a beautifully excellent job at punishing players with a poor connection, it is quite literally bult for that, in what way does having "total disconnected time" affect rude players who quit without resigning? What exactly does it prevent? Intermittent rage quitting?

Idk why it gives you 2min(for example) to reconnect for the whole game but what i can say is the system being there means that people who do rage quit will not take up as much time as the other way.

> I never suggested this, nor do I think it's anything worth looking at, an engine evaluation does not accurately represent what the human players think of the position.
Opps i was reading the wrong post from other form post about this sorry

> The only change I ever suggested was simply removing any kind of disconnection timer, and the only thing you've said against that is that you don't want to wait a few minutes in the rare occasion where your opponent decides to be rude and disconnect without resigning (which you admit they'll be punished for anyways)

"rare occasion where your opponent decides to be rude and disconnect without resigning" where did you get this stat from?
" you don't want to wait a few minutes" i dont want to wait 10min in a 10min game while being able to do Nothing in fear of getting cheat detected and nor would you want to wait that long especially in longer time controls

> Whatever you think is "reasonable" is entirely arbitrary, you previously said that 2 minutes was already too much, which sounds ridiculous to me, because once again, I might have 10 minutes on my clock, whether I spent 20% of that either being disconnected or thinking about my next move should not be ANYTHING of my opponent's concern.

I said 3min not 2min and in my post following this i will share my time to reconnect proving this to be true.
And thus my reasonable is not arbitrary as it will be based on the test for reconnects that i have done
on phone going from wifi to mobile data or vise versa:
15.94 secs
on phone to pc(with ssd) with sign in and 2fa on different device (provided you know your details and have have access to 2fa authenticator)
1min 05.78seconds

add 30seconds on top of that and 1min 35.78seconds
meaning even accounting for human error 3min is more than enough
Kinda sad seeing this topic. The problem do exist. I think it's ok to report bad manners by report system so it'd be ok to have some changes on leave detection system. No specific ideas though.

If you think you're much stronger than opponents on your rating because of those auto losses I'd recommend you to play tournaments, you'll be matched with players of other skill brackets no matter the rating but your tournament position.

But if your internet is really, really bad and unstable, your only hope on Lichess is probably correspondence mode. It's even better to play chess in real life in that case.

I totally understand your frustration, I had a very bad IPS at some point of my life... now it's just a past for me, but yeah. That do seem like a ban to any online plays.

P.S. "Ку-ку" means "knock-knock". I don't approve the action of this Russian fellow to claim win, however there wasn't any trashtalk attempt.
@headpats4free said in #12:
> This is such a terrible argument, what exactly am I gaining by losing games because I can't reconnect in time? Whether this system is in place or not, having a poor connection will always be a disadvantage, which is fine, it is how it is, but the system only serves to stomp on players with a poor connection when they are already down.

This is your argument just from the other side
i just reworded some of it

What do i do well waiting for you to reconnect
play another game: cant
work in a study:cant
analysis board or opening book:cant

all you can do is watch other people play or chat in the forms
which is not fun when all i want to do is play
and now imagine a 60min game
no thanks

"it is how it is, but the system only serves to stomp on players with a poor connection when they are already down."

the system is there to stop people from rage quitting not to punish people with poor connection.
the reason you get hurt by it is because you take longer than the time given to reconnect
which provided its 2min or more according to my findings in #14 is more than enough time to reconnect
@for_cryingout_loud said in #13:
> Nothing in fear of getting cheat detected

I don't think that cheat detection system is that harsh, but still agree. My main fear is that the opponent will make a move at some point and now it's me who does nothing and losing on time.

upd: but yes, I'd prefer to not open any studies while playing.
What i suggest to solve this problem for everyone is according to my findings in #14

We change it that for all time controls you have 3min to reconnect which is 15secs shy of triple the time it took me to go from phone to pc and sign in with 2fa and typing in my password and name no auto fill
(its just shy of 2x if we add human error)

This 3 min will count for only on reconnect but you time will still tick down
Behold, another example of the current disconnection system doing a splendid job at griefing my games in a winning position, I was nearly 4 minutes up on time for god's sake! When I realized I wouldn't be able to reconnect from my PC I remembered @for_cryingout_loud 's suggestion an tried to log in on my phone, it was unfortunately too late.

I would also like to clarify that I am in no way against a system to ease the pain caused by rude players who quit without resigning. My argument is that the CURRENT system is laughable, so much that I genuinely think it'd be better to have NOTHING rather than this, I say this as somebody who also gets opponents who rage quit occasionally (I got one just today), yet even if I had a good connection, I would not want any of my opponents to lose because they unfortunately disconnected for a couple minutes. Surely a compromise can be reached?
Oh, also, it's not particularly important for our topic, but in case any lower-rated folks have trouble appreciating how exactly I'm winning in the game I shared (cause I realize it might not be so obvious), there are many moves to win, but concretely during the game I had intended Qd3+, with a vague idea of Qh3 with devastating threats.

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