
LAWC 2025 Match Pairings and Results

Since my opponent @xeslan21 didn't respond back with three offers , I'm offering these three times to play
Sunday - 5
Monday - 13:30 UTC
I have shared the respective screenshots to the TD @neverplayslowanti
My opponent @nogirosta did not respond and was not on-line this week.

Offering the time to play as late as Sunday 18:00 UTC.

My condolences as today his hometown was bombarded by ruzzians.
@Sridhar75 said in #208:
> Sunday 13 UTC to 16 UTC
> Monday 14 UTC to 16 UTC

@Sridhar75 Hey, you are right, you didn't receive a message. This is because my Ipad didn't send it (my problem...). Sorry for that! I'm fine with playing Sunday 13:00 UTC. So see you tomorrow

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