
I just played chess OTB after 2 years and it's disproven the myth of needing OTB games

My last 2 sentences were addressing the idiots telling you that you can't improve without OTB, so you interpreted my post pretty incorrectly.
@Linspiring said in #19:
> He mentioned GM. Where do you think you get the title of GM from. I'll give you a clue it's not the USCF.

In reference to all of the titles one can achieve, wait for it, OTB! They also mentioned the Class system (Expert, A, B, C, D) which is not universal. The point is, OTB is the rating that matters, even if you think you can make your own or it doesn't matter.

> Yes he said that. And if I spent enough money in entry fees and membership fees as he and perhaps you, have I might become brainwashed to think that way too. But it's simply not true. Ratings are only numbers, like 2 or 7 or -1 or π or 1049873098670983, they have no form or substance and exist only in the ether. Playing ability, something real that you can actually use, is the only thing that counts.

Playing ability is measured by rating; Whether it is ELO, Glicko 1, Glicko 2 or whatever happens to come along. It is not about brainwashing, or being above the use of ratings, or whatever nonsense you seem to be trying to say. This is simply the system used to measure the skill of a player within a specific pool of players.

That said OTB is the standard for a reason, and will continue to be such whether you whine about it or not. This is the accepted standard by the majority of players, even those who have yet to have a game OTB.

> And I won't even dignify your calling me a liar with a response.

This is a response.
@hendrixmaine ohhhh, my bad. Thanks for being one of the minority of rational people in this thread. I suspected my post might evoke a little hostility but not this much. And I thought the truth needs to be known regardless. So let them take shots at me, I am perfectly capable of defending myself :)

@LinearStork There's too much nonsense in your post for me to sort out now. My weekends are busy. I will help you with your problems on Sunday night or Monday. You will just have to wait until then. In the meantime I suggest using the time to reread and spot your mistakes yourself.
@LinearStork said in #22:
You said the he never mentioned FIDE. I proved you wrong by saying he included the GM title, which implicitly means FIDE. Then you attempted to cover up your mistake with the following paragraph
> In reference to all of the titles one can achieve, wait for it, OTB! They also mentioned the Class system (Expert, A, B, C, D) which is not universal. The point is, OTB is the rating that matters, even if you think you can make your own or it doesn't matter.
This doesn't even address the point. Of course that was your intent because you said he never brought FIDE into this and you were wrong and so you only want to distract when I point out your error. He brought FIDE into when he mentioned GM. You were wrong. Admit it, or do like you did an write another post that just pointlessly rambles on as a distraction.

> Playing ability is measured by rating; Whether it is ELO, Glicko 1, Glicko 2 or whatever happens to come along. It is not about brainwashing, or being above the use of ratings, or whatever nonsense you seem to be trying to say. This is simply the system used to measure the skill of a player within a specific pool of players.
Exactly it's a MEASUREMENT of ability. It's not the ability itself. This is what you need to learn. And despite the fact that you wrote it you still don't seem to understand it because you treat the two as the same thing.

> That said OTB is the standard for a reason, and will continue to be such whether you whine about it or not. This is the accepted standard by the majority of players, even those who have yet to have a game OTB.
It's the standard for RATING. Again, I'll point it out to you my post said NOTHING ABOUT RATING. My post was about ABILITY.
What don't you understand about the fact that rating != ability.
You can reach master level ability playing online and have no rating at all.
In my OP I said that you could improve in ability. I did not say you would improve in rating.
What don't you get about this?
Are you really this dense?
Rating is a MEASUREMENT of ability and not the ability itself. If you haven't gotten your blood sugar measured do you think you have no bloodsugar? If a car doesn't have a speedometer do you think it isn't moving?
So you do improve, just like I said in my post. You just don't have the measurement of it that you and that NM are so obsessed about. I suggest, get over it.

> This is a response.
No , it was a meta response. It was a response about not responding.

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