

I cant see valid moves. for example, when I touch my queen on the board, there are no moves i see that my queen can make, instead, only the square where my queen is located become orange. I don't want it. when I touch my any stone, I also want to see the moves that my stone can make. Valid moves i mean you know. because of this, I deleted the game and updated it again because I love playin chess and i also love playin “lichess”.. I can't enjoy the game because of this problem. Im so unhappy and getting low. I'd appreciate it if you could fix it immediately. Need for the support, thanks for the support. My dear lichess.
Please help. I dont know what should i gotta do.
The phone app is a complete joke at times with failing to register moves properly. The coders need to take a good long hard look at themselves
You really can't figure out the legal moves yourself with a FIDE rating above Most GM's??

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