
The disconnection timer is stupid and makes no sense

If a player disconnects for a set amount of time, lichess automatically allows the opponent to claim a "victory", this is particularly silly in the longer time controls like rapid, if I have 15 whole minutes in my timer, why am I being punished for leaving for a couple minutes? My opponent explicitly signed up for a 15+10 game, let him wait. It is absolutely ridiculous and ONLY serves to punish people with an unstable internet connection, because if someone wants to rope you, they will, whether that means closing the tab or leaving it open, it doesn't really help in that regard, we can always detect and warn/punish players who actually leave FULL games anyway, instead of punishing players who merely disconnected for 1/5 of their clock, that's already a handicap to begin with.

I can't count how many times my opponent bailed out and claimed a "victory" in a winning position for me even when I had plenty of time left on my clock. And let me be clear, I know that my internet connection is the main problem to begin with, but you have to understand that not everyone has access to a good ISP, nonetheless one of the reasons chess is one of my favourite games to play online is that I don't need a fast internet connection to be competent. But either way, my particular circumstances are irrelevant, it is just illogical to punish players for disconnecting for a fraction of their remaining time.
@headpats4free said in #1:
> If a player disconnects for a set amount of time, lichess automatically allows the opponent to claim a "victory", this is particularly silly in the longer time controls like rapid, if I have 15 whole minutes in my timer, why am I being punished for leaving for a couple minutes? My opponent explicitly signed up for a 15+10 game, let him wait. It is absolutely ridiculous and ONLY serves to punish people with an unstable internet connection, because if someone wants to rope you, they will, whether that means closing the tab or leaving it open, it doesn't really help in that regard, we can always detect and warn/punish players who actually leave FULL games anyway, instead of punishing players who merely disconnected for 1/5 of their clock, that's already a handicap to begin with.
> I can't count how many times my opponent bailed out and claimed a "victory" in a winning position for me even when I had plenty of time left on my clock. And let me be clear, I know that my internet connection is the main problem to begin with, but you have to understand that not everyone has access to a good ISP, nonetheless one of the reasons chess is one of my favourite games to play online is that I don't need a fast internet connection to be competent. But either way, my particular circumstances are irrelevant, it is just illogical to punish players for disconnecting for a fraction of their remaining time.

So i must wait 15mins and do what can't start another game can't open studies can't do anything
Lets take the 15min examples one fifth of 15 is 3min you want to tell me that it takes you longer than 3 minutes to reconnect.
i could switch from my phone to computer from off in that time.

"who actually leave FULL games anyway, instead of punishing players who merely disconnected for 1/5 of their clock, that's already a handicap to begin with."
Thats why this system exists so i dont have to wait the whole time for people who leave and for people that dc have enough time to rejoin.

" it is just illogical to punish players for disconnecting for a fraction of their remaining time."
but punishing your opening by making wait the whole time which in classical can be more than 30min while been able to do nothing on lichess is?
@for_cryingout_loud said in #2:
> So i must wait 15mins and do what can't start another game can't open studies can't do anything
You'll wait 15 minutes when your opponent actually disconnects for good, and once again, in that such case the player should be accordingly punished if this is a common ocurrence.

> Lets take the 15min examples one fifth of 15 is 3min you want to tell me that it takes you longer than 3 minutes to reconnect.
I have no idea how long lichess actually takes to allow the opponent to resign, 1/5 was just a random number I threw in there, 3 minutes sounds like a gift because more often than not you are given less time than that to reconnect, I believe it depends how long it's been since your last move, sometimes it only takes about a minute.

> i could switch from my phone to computer from off in that time.
That is unfortunately not an option for me

> Thats why this system exists so i dont have to wait the whole time for people who leave and for people that dc have enough time to rejoin.
Evidently no, not everyone is given enough time to rejoin, it is entirely arbitrary, and once again refer to my OP, you signed up to play a specific time control, it is compulsory that you're ready to play such a time control in its entirety.
> " it is just illogical to punish players for disconnecting for a fraction of their remaining time."
> but punishing your opening by making wait the whole time which in classical can be more than 30min while been able to do nothing on lichess is?
Is it okay for innocent citizens to be robbed by criminals? No, yet we can't really stop it entirely, but we CAN disencourage it. I once again refer to my OP (which somehow you seemed to read, but ignore it at the same time), players who disconnect for the entirety of a game should be punished, just like players who DO NOT disconnect in order to intentionally rope.
"You'll wait 15 minutes when your opponent actually disconnects for good, and once again, in that such case the player should be accordingly punished if this is a common occurrence."
Which they are the system is to make sure the person who waits does not have to wait till the end of time because you left or have bad internet and can't rejoin

"I have no idea how long lichess actually takes to allow the opponent to resign, 1/5 was just a random number I threw in there, 3 minutes sounds like a gift because more often than not you are given less time than that to reconnect, I believe it depends how long it's been since your last move, sometimes it only takes about a minute."
nothing to do with how long your lost move is based on how long the game is only time it takes a minute would be in fast time controls like 3:2

"Evidently no, not everyone is given enough time to rejoin, it is entirely arbitrary, and once again refer to my OP, you signed up to play a specific time control, it is compulsory that you're ready to play such a time control in its entirety."
I signed up to play a game not to sit and do nothing

"players who disconnect for the entirety of a game should be punished, just like players who DO NOT disconnect in order to intentionally rope."
They are by being warned about it and punished with this system.

This has all been discussed before
and many more times

The tdlr is current system for dc is not going away but the time for how long you should have is still up for debate
@for_cryingout_loud said in #4:
> Which they are the system is to make sure the person who waits does not have to wait till the end of time because you left or have bad internet and can't rejoin
The game should end because a player has "bad internet"? I don't see how you can justify that, a player should be allowed to rejoin as long as they have time,

> I signed up to play a game not to sit and do nothing
And what makes you so special that lichess should prioritize your oh so precious time (which you already committed the moment you started the game) over another legitimate player's enjoyment and rating? Is it because you have the privilege of a better internet connection?

> They are by being warned about it and punished with this system.
Excellent, what more can you ask?

> This has all been discussed before
> and many more times
> The tdlr is current system for dc is not going away but the time for how long you should have is still up for debate
And I am arguing that the currently system is bad to begin with, if you signed up for a game, you already committed your time, and let's not pretend your opponents rage quit the game every time, if anything, I'd argue the current system rather encourages rage-quitting, because you know the opponent isn't going to have to wait for long anyway.
Bumping this thread to showcase one of my extremely fair loses.

I had managed my time well, the time was equal even after I disconnected multiple times, but alas, the system decided I had "left the game", working as intended, right? Of course, my opponent didn't waste the opportunity to shittalk in Russian as well, "ку-ку", whatever that means, marvelous. It boggles my mind that people such as @for_cryingout_loud go out of their way to try and defend this system.
ok lets start of with your opponent talking bad of you in chat you can report them using

As for the system
let me explain it clearly and fully

You start a game with x time control using a formula lichess determines how long dc time should be.
That dc time counts for all your disconnects for the whole game.
If you disconnect for the first time for 10 seconds its -10secs from the total time.
When that timer hits 0 your opponent has 3 choices claim draw, win or wait.

The system does not take position into consideration.

Thats the system in a nutshell

Now with the facts done lets start with my opinion

Do i belive lichess gives enough time for rejoins/reconnects.
IDK because i have not tested reconnect times on mobile and pc and swapping from one to another so i dont know if they are reasonable amount of time to do that

Should the system take position into consideration?

No, because your position won't make it longer for you to reconnect or not
Why should we reward you with more time because you winning and someone else less because they are losing.
No need to punish or reward anyone due to position
Because the time to reconnect for both is the same.

For rage quitters give them the benefit of the doubt to stop false positives with dc.
Then we can say we judge only on time to reconnect not who is winning or who should be winning.

Am i defending the system

No, I am saying that the way you want to change the system won't work, because of x or y reason.
I want it to be better but in a way that is fair and does not punish anyone for any reason but them not connecting back in a reasonable amount of time
"I am arguing that the currently system is bad to begin with, if you signed up for a game, you already committed your time,"
that point has been brought up way to many times
And the best way to sum up the responses (I thinK)is

"I signed up to play a game not to sit and do nothing"- @for_cryingout_loud

"And what makes you so special that lichess should prioritize your oh so precious time (which you already committed the moment you started the game) over another legitimate player's enjoyment and rating? Is it because you have the privilege of a better internet connection?"-#5

you answered your own question

what makes you so special that lichess should prioritize your oh so precious time(time here is disconnect time) over another legitimate player's enjoyment? Is it because you have the privilege of a (in this case its the opposite so bad) internet connection?
ok lets me do some testing for how long it takes to reconnect in the following ways

on phone going from wifi to mobile data or vise versa
on phone to pc(with ssd) with sign in and 2fa on different device (provided you know your details and have have access to 2fa authenticator)

any time needed for passwords or finding different devices or other factors will be be accounted for with a 30sec on top of the time it takes.

for harddrive time would very alot from 2min to half life 3
and thus is not tested
I agree with OPs frustration even though I cant relate to it because I have a good connection. I would suggest a feature request for lichess devs - Make the green dot show more than just online/offline - make it indicate the signal of accounts connection so if an opponent is going to get frustrated playing someone with frequent disconnects, they might as well not start the game. And once thats implemented. Dont count connection downtime as downtime. I get the fact that a few bad actors might intentionally manipulate their connection. But they they will have to put up with "This account has a consistently bad internet connection" tag and opponents can choose to never start a game with them.

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