
Lame Superheros

@semut_merah2001 said in #18:
> Other thing...( You should know )
> " Other side can see what i see "
> " Someone told me...if...( saya telah...dipasangi...spy lensa mata di kedua mata saya )...( Jadi mereka bisa...melihat ..apa yang saya lihat ) "
> " They Saw...the unseen animals from my eyes...they Saw...unseen strange peoples from my eyes...all thing...what i see...they can see it ..too )
> ( their eyes...they can not see that....because...all of that ..not seen in their realiitas....but...they can see that..use my eyes "

( But ...other ...funny thing )...( Peoples around me...yang telah dirasuki...entah dirasuki .makhluk astral or magicians or mutants...showed...their magics...yaitu...MAGICS mind reading...MAGICS hipnotis...MAGICS Mr Smith...MAGICS quake earth...dan lain lain..." Termasuk...magics...melihat apa yang saya lihat...di waktu beberapa saat atau beberapa jam ..sebelumnya " )

( The orher funny thing )
" There are one side...sent my peramal "
( Peramal memberitahu mereka...SESUATU YANG MEMBUAT MEREKA...RESAH dan GELISAH...hehe )
" Gara gara...PERAMAL...ini...they attack me...everytime everyplaces everywhere "...hehe
@chessrooker2012 said in #19:
> @semut_merah2001 I highly recommend that you visit a doctor for a checkup.

" I told you...thay had magics...they can control everyones around me...termasuk ..dokter "

( No one...peoples around me...can be trusted "
( My work neigbhours...dan lain lain one can be trusted )
@semut_merah2001 said in #22:
> " I told you...thay had magics...they can control everyones around me...termasuk ..dokter "
> ( No one...peoples around me...can be trusted "
> ( My work neigbhours...dan lain lain one can be trusted )

but what happened to you is what i wanna know
why are you typing like this and not being straight to the point T-T
@chessrooker2012 said in #23:
> but what happened to you is what i wanna know
> why are you typing like this and not being straight to the point T-T

( You didnt get ...the POINTS )

( But ...the important POINTS )
@semut_merah2001 said in #24:
> ( You didnt get ...the POINTS )
> ( But ...the important POINTS )

Okay, my bad. But i still didnt get the important points
The Thing.
Can lift everything, except the 'thing' in everything
@semut_merah2001 said in #8:
> " allthing about...energi...getaran..dan frekwensi "
> ( Seorang ahli mengatakannya )
> " To detect their magics " ( pasanglah...kamera aura...kamera pendeteksi getaran...kamera pendeteksi frekwensi....kamera pendeteksi energi )
> " If they used...magics Mr Smith movie MATRIX " ( so you can detect them use all of that equipment ...objeknya adalah...perubahan di seluruh tubuh )
> " If they used...magics control mind." ( You can detect it...using all of that equipment....objeknya...perubahan di kepala atau otak )

" You must to put all of this equipment....di sekeliling...your...VVIP !!!!" ( To clear ..your VVIP...from ...their MAGICS..)..because...( Your VVIP had power to abuse )
( Why ? )
I Will give you a funny example
( Zelensky vs trump ) Berkelahi secara verbal...d depan kamera....di gedung putih...USA

( That is look so funny ...hehe )

( Secara logika ) ( Bagaimana mungkin...itu...terjadi ? )

@semut_merah2001 said in #27:
> " You must to put all of this equipment....di sekeliling...your...VVIP !!!!" ( To clear ..your VVIP...from ...their MAGICS..)..because...( Your VVIP had power to abuse )
> ( Why ? )
> I Will give you a funny example
> ( Zelensky vs trump ) Berkelahi secara verbal...d depan kamera....di gedung putih...USA
> ( That is look so funny ...hehe )
> ( Secara logika ) ( Bagaimana mungkin...itu...terjadi ? )
> Hehe

( Kalian juga...harus...menggunakan..." Alat pendeteksi SUHU "...untuk mendeteksi...PERUBAHAN SUHU...pada...tubuh dan kepala...VVIP...kalian )....( Ini juga...bagian dari...upaya mendeteksi...MAGICS...mereka )

I get...the...important POINTS....from ..this
@chessrooker2012 said in #23:
> but what happened to you is what i wanna know
> why are you typing like this and not being straight to the point T-T
Exactly, what is going on?