
Grunfeld Defense

Okay.Thanks @tpr . I like to play different openings and broadening my repertoire as playing the same ones get too boring.
Also, I can surprise my friends who know me well with some new opening lines.
I wrote from memory. His statement at least expresses doubt.
I had an exchange and two pawns winning easily but I blundered... Probably my worst game in the grunfeld and my opponent was shocked that I lost. It was a rapid tournament... Now I switched to d4 d5 because of that.
I found this interview. He said he isn't sure if he would learn the opening from scratch now but he also mentions the strength of this opening.


"Why is Gruenfeld defence an attractive opening? What advice would you give to those who want to make it a part of their repertoire?"

Maxime Vachier-Lagrave said:

"At the time I started, the Gruenfeld was a very different opening than it is nowadays. These days there are lots of variations to memorize. In most lines, you need to know what you are doing. I keep the challenge on because now I know so much about it that I can afford to do so. But if I had to learn the opening from scratch now, I am not sure I would do it.

But this opening does give a lot of counterplay options and if your opponent wants to achieve something, he either can play a long forcing line hoping you don't remember it, with the risk of a quick draw without any chance, or he has to take some risks and allow counter-chances and a playable position. This is the good thing about Gruenfeld compared to say Queen’s Gambit where white can press for an advantage for free."
Of course the Grünfeld is a good opening for grandmasters, but it should come with a warning: "do not try this at home"
Black must play very accurately: one small slip and black loses.
White has an easier task: with his center he can play more natural, strong moves.
Here is the game that made Kasparov switch to the King's Indian Defence
@tpr you're right, but in the other hand there is the fact that it's a very tactical defence and it means if you black are down you can always hope of something, some tacticism that bring you back in equal position.
You can't say the same in other black defence against d4.

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