4th BOTS and Humans League 1: lichess.org/tournament/VUzrod7K
Český národní tým.1., DarkOnTeams, ONI IndonesianNationalOnline, France-Deutschland Group, Leaderboard of BOTs, Rochade Europa - Schachzeitung, SK Zmaj, TheFrostWolfClan, Indicheck _hu, ШШК "Зарайская ладья"
4th BOTS and Humans League 2: lichess.org/tournament/LS21htjc
Engine Testers, Chess Pro Magic Champions, Elite Chess Players' Union , alexnajax&friends, Chess Poland - lichess.org, LiveChess, Защитники ЦСКА (Москва), The Outstanding Chess Champions, DarkOnBot, Endogenetic Bot
4th BOTS and Humans League 3A: lichess.org/tournament/9fcasC2G
Colegas de Kike, Yagel033 and friends, Streamer, BOTS Fan Club, Боевые котямбики, GOrInkO_fan_team, СЕРГИЕВ ПОСАД, FALCONF7 CLUB, FM jeffforever fan Club
4th BOTS and Humans League 3B: lichess.org/tournament/tO2iGA3V
TakticproChess, Timur_chess-2012 & chess friends, VNA290908, Lichess Bots, karşıyaka satranç topluluğu, BOT Battle players, Sniper Jr., Horsey, Zhigalko_Sergei & Friends
4th BOTS and Humans League 3C: lichess.org/tournament/vLbJX8uH
Türkler Krall, Fight for Win, SpartakMos fan club, GikopianoGikopia & ROHAM_13912011& Carlsen_Magnus3& Friends, Gleb_Momot & friends, Chess hummer, Гроссмейстеры мира, Ukraine It’s cool!!
4th BOTS and Humans League 4A: lichess.org/tournament/Z8QR7CQr
Dragon Players (Never Give Up), MDÖ Chess Club, Romanian world team, PatrikValach fan club, Fafusha And Friends, Club Virsan, TRZN|Tranzistors, Nitro Type Community, Шахи це круто, League Chess , Шахматы школа, rapid 8+0, рапид, Knightrider1005 Legend Chess Club, Mega Bots, Harry & Friends, Itachi n friends, Online World Chess Lovers, Chess warriors lead, Passed Almogàvers
Český národní tým.1., DarkOnTeams, ONI IndonesianNationalOnline, France-Deutschland Group, Leaderboard of BOTs, Rochade Europa - Schachzeitung, SK Zmaj, TheFrostWolfClan, Indicheck _hu, ШШК "Зарайская ладья"
4th BOTS and Humans League 2: lichess.org/tournament/LS21htjc
Engine Testers, Chess Pro Magic Champions, Elite Chess Players' Union , alexnajax&friends, Chess Poland - lichess.org, LiveChess, Защитники ЦСКА (Москва), The Outstanding Chess Champions, DarkOnBot, Endogenetic Bot
4th BOTS and Humans League 3A: lichess.org/tournament/9fcasC2G
Colegas de Kike, Yagel033 and friends, Streamer, BOTS Fan Club, Боевые котямбики, GOrInkO_fan_team, СЕРГИЕВ ПОСАД, FALCONF7 CLUB, FM jeffforever fan Club
4th BOTS and Humans League 3B: lichess.org/tournament/tO2iGA3V
TakticproChess, Timur_chess-2012 & chess friends, VNA290908, Lichess Bots, karşıyaka satranç topluluğu, BOT Battle players, Sniper Jr., Horsey, Zhigalko_Sergei & Friends
4th BOTS and Humans League 3C: lichess.org/tournament/vLbJX8uH
Türkler Krall, Fight for Win, SpartakMos fan club, GikopianoGikopia & ROHAM_13912011& Carlsen_Magnus3& Friends, Gleb_Momot & friends, Chess hummer, Гроссмейстеры мира, Ukraine It’s cool!!
4th BOTS and Humans League 4A: lichess.org/tournament/Z8QR7CQr
Dragon Players (Never Give Up), MDÖ Chess Club, Romanian world team, PatrikValach fan club, Fafusha And Friends, Club Virsan, TRZN|Tranzistors, Nitro Type Community, Шахи це круто, League Chess , Шахматы школа, rapid 8+0, рапид, Knightrider1005 Legend Chess Club, Mega Bots, Harry & Friends, Itachi n friends, Online World Chess Lovers, Chess warriors lead, Passed Almogàvers