
Fun stats about the Lichess 2024 Summer Marathon

@realcyberbird said in #13:
> I downloaded ALL (!) the tournament games and added the move times per game
Damn how long did that take!
@KenulL_76 said in #31:
> Is it possible for me to know mine?
It would be great if there was a publicly available google form or maybe new lichess UI with those numbers for each individual player as it can help planning the next marathon. Might be resource intensive though
@realcyberbird said in #34:
> @sos-shubham actual playing time: 16 hour and 1 minute
No way i spent almost 24 hours and out of that I might have played 19 hours 35 min... That's what my lichess account bullet stats shows me.... Sharing you a picture of my bullet stats..(max time spent)
See the photo here>
@sos-shubham said in #38:
@sos-shubham said in #38:
> No way i spent almost 24 hours and out of that I might have played 19 hours 35 min... That's what my lichess account bullet stats shows me.... Sharing you a picture of my bullet stats..(max time spent)
> See the photo here>

@sos-shubham I suppose you took some breaks ..
Also the waiting time to get paired is not part of playing time. With these large numbers of games this really adds up.
Suppose a waiting time of 10 seconds per game (wild guess) then this means for 720 games you waited 2 hours.
Anyway I am going to doublecheck my calculation/algorithm but it basically adds up all move times of all the games you played..