
Alexandra botez beat a GM wow

Come on this game is garbage he mouse slipped his queen away in a hyperbullet game...get real
That whole "I'm going to cut my hair if I don't reach 2300/2500" was scripted. This is not chess it's showbiz. Fake as f. Did you see the last game where she went over to 2501? All pieces were given. Pukes...
At least two people helped. That last one and the above GM who raised her from 2330 to 2400.
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@PranavBobbySekhar I don't hate anyone. I just find it disgusting and not in accordance with chess ethics. It was basically cheating and they would probably break Lichess terms of service. That run to 2500 was scripted.
I'm sure youth loves them. They're young, beautiful and have a sense on how to make a buck. No problem with that. Just don't call it playing chess.
Take a look at last two games... nuf said

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