
Lichess Studies

Is it possible to create lichess studies without the Kings? I wanted to create studies with basic piece captures for kids without complicating things by involving Kings. Any suggestions?
Yeah, u can surely do that. While when you create a new chapter, a small screen pop ups asking you to fill all the details, below the ch name, you will find some sections, click on "Editor" and place and remove the pieces as per your wish.
@Peeyush_Sonkar said in #3:
> Yeah, u can surely do that. While when you create a new chapter, a small screen pop ups asking you to fill all the details, below the ch name, you will find some sections, click on "Editor" and place and remove the pieces as per your wish.

The method in the following study sort of works. The issue is that it uses antichess, which allows no Kings, but then when there is a capture, it is required. However, this may not matter for your purpose.

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