
Typical mistakes Nr 2 - Not picking up forcing moves

I think this is a good blog but I didn't find the move Kh7 to be that forced at first sight.
After 1.Qc1 I would expect 1. ... h5.
The engine shows it gives White a +3 advantage. It's just not as obvious to me as Kh7 Qb1+
@Geelse_zot said in #12:
> I think this is a good blog but I didn't find the move Kh7 to be that forced at first sight.
> After 1.Qc1 I would expect 1. ... h5.
> The engine shows it gives White a +3 advantage. It's just not as obvious to me as Kh7 Qb1+

Kh7 is not forced, but it is a very logical human response, probably the first idea of most people. When you see that Kh7 loses, it convinces you that 1. Qc1 is a very sound candidate move, so it is worth calculating it further and check Black's other responses.
i want to ask like how to find these forcing moves like there are several several moves like bxh6 only like it is forcing just confused how to find the right and useful forceful moves as u said like it automaticallly come but how it is hard pls help a bit