
International Criminal Court Arrest Warrants of Israeli and Hamas leaders

>Should Britain have been careful not to kill "too many" Germans after London was bombed?

Sure, if you say so, nobody compared Brits vs Germans to Israelis vs Palestinians. Lmao
You know how corrupt the US government is. Money flows in Biden's veins.
@Noflaps said in #28:
> העינויים והרצח המאורגנים והמתואמים של נשים וילדים חפים מפשע, בכוונה וללא אזהרה, אינם מאבק בחצר בית הספר. לפחות, לא ברוב חצרות בית הספר.
> נראה שזו מלחמה, וכך גם התגובה אליה.
> האם בריטניה הייתה צריכה להיזהר לא להרוג "יותר מדי" גרמנים לאחר שהפצצת לונדון? האם אמריקה הייתה צריכה לעצור, אחרי פרל הארבור, ברגע שהרגה 2,403 חיילי אויב? האם רוסיה הייתה צריכה להפסיק לירות על גרמנים כשהחלו לסגת מלנינגרד? האם זה היה מציאותי ומומלץ עד שמי שהחלו במלחמת העולם השנייה היו מוכים או נכנעים? האם היה צריך להגיש כתב אישום נגד רוזוולט וצ'רצ'יל על פשעי מלחמה?
> זה מצב נורא, וזה לא היה צריך להתחיל. לכולנו צריכה להיות אהדה ולא איבה כלפי האזרחים התמימים, משני הצדדים, שסבלו וסובלים כתוצאה מהמלחמה הזו. אני מקווה שהמלחמה הזו תיפסק בקרוב ותתנהל בינתיים תוך מאמץ לנסות למנוע נזק נלווה לחפים מפשע. מלחמות מבאסות, ברור, ואסור להתחיל אותן.
I agree with every word
It is clear that in war there is nothing to be done and unfortunately everyone is killed innocently, but there is nothing to be done and against terrorists one must fight in every way possible
If we really want to condemn terrorism, not celebrating those who committed it in Irgun would be a good start.

>The Irgun policy was based on what was then called Revisionist Zionism founded by Ze'ev Jabotinsky. Two of the operations for which the Irgun is best known are the ********** bombing of the King David Hotel********** in Jerusalem on 22 July 1946 and the Deir Yassin massacre that killed at least 107 Palestinian Arab villagers, ********** including women and children ********** , carried out together with Lehi on 9 April 1948.
>The organization committed acts of terrorism against Palestinian Arabs, as well as against the British authorities, who were regarded as illegal occupiers. In particular the Irgun was ********** described as a terrorist organization by the United Nations, British, and United States governments ********** ;
It has been discussed whether the area bombing of the RAF in WW2 was a war crime. One argument why this was never treated as a war crime was, that the Haague Treaty allowed the sheling of "defende cities". It was argued that the cities where at least defended by German AA guns. Another argument was, that the Hague treaty was set up whne no airforces existed. So it could not cover sih acase. As it was not forbidden, it was no war crime.

Now, the situation is quite different. The Hague treat is replaced by the UN convention. The UN convention allows less than the old Hague treaty. But still, it is not automatically a war crime if a civilain is killed. I am not an expert in the UN Concention but I think it staes that you may not peform an attack if the expected civilain losses are disproportional compared with the achievable military effects.

Now, the terrorist fanboys say " yes, disppoportional" and the Israeli supporter say "no, ok". End of discussion.
@bfchessguy ,1946 is almost a century ago and was before the creation of the current nation of Israel. Israel did nothing in 1946, because it didn't even exist yet!

October 7, 2023, happened long, long after that. And none of the women or children deliberately murdered on that day had anything at all to do with deaths occurring before the current nation of Israel was even created, or any celebration of those deaths.

Is that incorrect?

Should the descendants of the Aztecs murder innocents in Madrid? I think not.
Com'on you're not even trying to read.

The Brits were considering them terrorists. And now they're still celebrated.

Menachim Began should ring a bell for you fgs! Are you effing kidding? The terrorist was Prime Minister of the country.

>Begin served as prime minister (Israel's head of government) from 21 June 1977 through 10 October 1983, leading the 18th government during the 9th Knesset and the 19th government during the first portion of the 10th Knesset.
>Begin was a member of the Knesset from 1949 through until he resigned in 1983

>Before the creation of the state of Israel, he was the leader of the Zionist militant group Irgun, the Revisionist breakaway from the larger Jewish paramilitary organization Haganah. He proclaimed a revolt, on 1 February 1944, against the British mandatory government, which was opposed by the Jewish Agency. As head of the Irgun, he targeted the British in Palestine. Later, the Irgun fought the Arabs during the 1947–48 Civil War in Mandatory Palestine and, as its chief, Begin was described by the British government as the "leader of the notorious terrorist organisation". It declined him an entry visa to the United Kingdom between 1953 and 1955. However, Begin's overtures of friendship eventually paid off and he was granted a visa in 1972, five years prior to becoming prime minister.
>Begin was elected to the first Knesset, as head of Herut, the party he founded, and was at first on the political fringe, embodying the opposition to the Mapai-led government and Israeli establishment. He remained in opposition in the eight consecutive elections (except for a national unity government around the Six-Day War), but became more acceptable to the political center. His 1977 electoral victory and premiership ended three decades of Labor Party political dominance.
>Many years ago, when Begin was invited to address a meeting of the United Jewish Appeal at the King David, he was introduced as “the man who blew up this hotel.” In fact, Begin had tried to avoid bloodshed, and had instructed that a telephone warning be delivered to the hotel at approximately half an hour prior to the explosion. The British claimed that no such warning had been received.
>After the State of Israel came into being, Begin evolved from a paramilitary leader who had stopped a civil war into a political leader of Herut, which formed an alliance with the liberals leading to the creation of Gahal, which ultimately became Likud, with the party’s core principles based on Ze’ev Jabotinsky’s values.
@Noflaps you do not make the difference between targeting civilians and civilian casualties, what's happening in gaza is planned n' on perpous

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