
Tournament performance rating

I just played a tournament, I am rated 1284 but my performance was rated as 1450 (according to the results.csv file)


Can anyone explain how this metric is calculated please? I did hold my own against some high rated players, but obviously lost in the end.
I'm curious as to how the performance metric is calculated.
Thanks in advance to anyone who takes the time to explain.

For every game you play, your performance rating depends on the result:

r + 500 for a win,
r for a draw,
and r - 500 for a loss

(where r is your opponent's rating)

and the performance ratings of each game played are averaged out to get the result.

I hope this helped
Thanks @E-XT-raordinary - I am still confused as I won a game or two against much stronger rated players, but only got a few rating points, yet I also lost against 2000+ rated players and did not lose or gain any rating, yet I played some 1600 players and lost, resulting in -20 or so and other games I would lose just 1 point even against a player rated 400+

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