
Nice 1177 rated puzzle

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This is a ridiculously hard puzzle to be rated 1177. It's not at all clear why taking Kxc5 wins while Kxa5 draws without considerable calculation.
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@Haymarket said in #5:
> What was the reason for takin c pawn instead of a?

Obv I was handwaving everything, it’s 11xx and as said I spent no time to calculate assuming that if the moves aren’t natural puzzlers would fail it more often.

You really don’t have any options for the first 3 moves, then it’s a 50 50, but the position looks worse with blacks central pawn around and your queen in the corner of the board and with minimal square access after Kxa5 so it will be harder to defend your K and thus force a trade while you still have pawns.
It took me 2 seconds to solve the puzzle but I guessed the last move. It took me 30 min to figure out why Kxc5 instead of Kxa5. I don't think it's '2500' tho.
@Rudranshps1 said in #18:
> Yeah why not a5?

I think that's because after the king leaves a5 for e.g. b5, you will lose the b pawn when the new black queen goes to b4+.
If you take the c pawn instead, the b pawn cannot be taken by the queen with the same combination because Qh3+ results in a winning position for white.

Here is the pgn of what I mean (not sure how to share otherwise):

[Variant "From Position"]
[FEN "8/8/1K6/p1p1p3/P1P5/1P1Pk3/8/8 w - - 1 44"]

44. Kxc5 (44. Kxa5 Kxd3 45. Kb5 e4 46. a5 e3 47. a6 e2 48. a7 e1=Q 49. a8=Q Qb4+ 50. Kc6 Qxb3) 44... Kxd3 45. Kb5 e4 46. c5 e3 47. c6 e2 48. c7 e1=Q 49. c8=Q Qb4+ 50. Ka6 Qxb3 51. Qh3+
It’s like I say to myself. Half of the 1200 to 1500 puzzles are actually 2500 rated puzzles that end too quickly. Most of the time when they’re finished I’m asking myself “so what is the advantage???”

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