
Christian Encouragements

@FutureAstronomer said in #52:
> Thanks a ton for speaking from an atheist's perspective!

Secondly Future astronomer, I was the one who liked your comment, and just like @giancz91 said I agree that lichess is way better than its rival websites... a lot... But I liked your comment Future Astronomer because you nailed it... Thibault although he may be a great programmer and free chess provider he is no authority on philosophy and science...
@FutureAstronomer said in #54:
> Cool. If you want other atheists, including me to believe in the existence god, present a scientific proof in front of us. And yes, one can't just go and force people to believe that 'God exists'.
I believe that God exists, though different people have different beliefs and I respect them.

It is known that not only does the sun rotate, but it also orbits the center of our galaxy, completing one orbit every 226 million years or so. (source:

This was mentioned in the Quran 1400 years ago: "And He is the One Who created the day and the night, the sun and the moon—each travelling in an orbit." (21:33)

This is one scientific proof that God exists. There are countless many to mention, but it would make the post a bit too long and I intend to make it short. There are hundreds of more verses in the Quran which talk about science that was discovered only recently. After reading all of this, ask yourself: who could have mentioned this in the Quran?

Won't it be the Creator of this world, the Cherisher of this world, the Inventor of this world?
@tixem75 and @Dragon-Emperor would you except private links to the videos proving Isalm is repackaged pagan polytheism, or do YOU want me to to post it here... I give the choice to you since it might upset some people... so here or in private chat? If you offer to bear the consequences for proving it publicly and the video I send then ask for it publicly if not tell me here in public that you want it privately.
@DirkPretorius said in #60:
> @FutureAstronomer
> First tell me your worldview if you are not afraid... then I will give you proof for God... then we will see if you can defend yours instead of picking on a 12 old kid!

My point of view of what? So, we gonna have a war/competition in this topic so that 'I'll have to defend myself'?


Whatever I said, was my opinion. Everyone has a right to express their opinions. And that's what I did.
900 rated religious preachers - what has the Lichess forum come to?
@YM17 said in #65:
> 900 rated religious preachers - what has the Lichess forum come to?
900 rating doesn't portray a person's religious knowledge tho. What have people nowadays come to?
@DirkPretorius said in #63:
> @tixem75 and @Dragon-Emperor would you except private links to the videos proving Isalm is repackaged pagan polytheism, or do YOU want me to to post it here... I give the choice to you since it might upset some people... so here or in private chat? If you offer to bear the consequences for proving it publicly and the video I send then ask for it publicly if not tell me here in public that you want it privately.
Send it privately to me
@Dragon-Emperor said in #67:
> 900 rating doesn't portray a person's religious knowledge tho. What have people nowadays come to?

That is true @Dragon-Emperor

So @Dragon-Emperor Asked for the videos privately. I can take a screenshot. But the other guy is asking for it publicaly @tixem75 . Do you take full responsibility for the videos I send to prove Islam is not monotheistic?
The memories I've got, well they torture my head
And I don't know God, but they tell me he's dead
If they are wrong, and in judgement I stand
I will not repent, 'cause I don't give a damn
You can send me to hell with the rest of my friends

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