
Who is @Fragmento?

DrGaylekess cannot won me two games continues in anyone time. He just talk a lot and play a little.
@Fragmento you should just go to sleep too and let others have fun and dont be rude for some reason ik your just enraged bcs some people are accusing that your a hacker but you provided your not so we believe you your not a hacker, Thank you later.
Yes, you are allright @the-_-best-_-2007
Good night for you. Sorry for feel impotence. There are guys like DrMelekess in others site too. We need to get used to it.
i say let them fight. they're men.

whoever is calling for them to "stop being rude" needs to grow a pair.
@Fragmento you can send the link to the forum to your lawyer even after it is closed.

@thomassowell123 The forums are a place to have
meaningful discussions, gain info and share info, analyze your games, etc.It shouldn't be used to accuse, publicly shame, insult or create unnecessary controversies and arguments.
this forum should be a place for people to develop and express their manly feelings.

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