
Your FIDE Rating and Lichess rating.

I think it depends on how often a person plays FIDE rated tournaments so that his rating is always up to date with his level.
Lichess Classical Rating: 2037
FIDE Rating: Don't have one
USCF OTB Rating: 1647
Never had so many laugh emotes on a cheap joke thanks everyone :D #2
Even I am an 1147 fide but 2100+ in lichess classiscal, over 1400 lichess games.. Highest 2133
@AlAnLiAnG exactly, there is no point playing anything longer than 3 minutes. This is why title players don't waste their time playing anything above it.
I just saw a lichess user with a fide of 1222 and lichess ratings of 1000 and below

Hopefully that fide rating is fictional else I don't want to think about what's gonna happen with him in OTB tournaments
uscf = `1683

lichess rapid = 2306

I've played in like 4 over the board tournament so I have no idea what I actually am.

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