
The Four Knights Ending

I wonder why people enjoy getting more than two knights? Is this "Knights of the Round Table"? I thought it was supposed to be chess. Having said all this, I did once get more knights than I needed (while playing against a silly computer program). I stalemated the computer. I was having loads of fun at the time, but I should have just gotten a queen or rook and won. One doesn't get any bonus points for a "spectacular checkmate". Keep it simple.
Knights can work quite effectively on their own, so why do you need so many?
I also feel that, because knights move in an unusual way, having even just more than one knight makes it very confusing and hard to follow.
If you do get into a position like that though, leave your opponent something like a pawn so that you don't accidentally stalemate them. I know lots of people that do that.

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