
Feature request: Time spent per move tracker

As an option that can be toggled on the post game analysis, I think it would be helpful to have a time counter per move. Ultimately, I'd just like to be able to look at the move sheet and go right to the moves that took me the longest to make according to the tracker for analysis rather than review a whole game.
Hello, under the board there is a "moves times" button where each bar represent the time spent per move, that you can click.
The 'move times' doesn't appear to function correctly. In my latest correspondence game ( it only shows a max. time of 60 seconds for any move.
@fowgre said in #4:
> The 'move times' doesn't appear to function correctly. In my latest correspondence game ( it only shows a max. time of 60 seconds for any move.
I believe that this feature does not make much sense for correspondence games anyway. If you make your move six hours after your opponent's last move, how is lichess supposed to know how much of that time was actually spent pondering your move?
@caughtinarut said in #5:
> If you make your move six hours after your opponent's last move, how is lichess supposed to know how much of that time was actually spent pondering your move?
That's equivalent of saying "if you make your move 6 minutes after your opponent's move, how is lichess supposed to know how much time was actually spent pondering your move?" for real-time games.
@lakfish said in #6:
> That's equivalent of saying "if you make your move 6 minutes after your opponent's move, how is lichess supposed to know how much time was actually spent pondering your move?" for real-time games.
I fail to see the equivalence. Correspondence is a completely different mode.
Real-time games are somewhat "live", whereas correspondence games take place asynchronously.
@caughtinarut said in #7:
> I fail to see the equivalence.
(Sigh), let me explain. I meant that move times are "time taken to make moves" and not "time spent pondering on moves".

> Correspondence is a completely different mode.
Omg, what a discovery! (P.s. just kidding, no hate)

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