
dgt board with virtualbox

Hello to the community
I have a dgt board but I cannot use it with the "dgt livechess" lichess application. Basically I have a Linux distribution and I am under Manjaro (therefore archlinux) only lichess did not develop under arch.
So I decided to install a distribution, with virtualbox, supported by dgt_livechess.
After spending time installing the guest additions as well as the extension for the recognition of usb ports, I realize that my board is recognized by the virtual machine and that a usb port has been added to the program dgt_livechess but it refuses to connect to the board.
I know that my request is very specific but maybe someone will have skills to give me some ideas to finalize (or not) my approach.
For info I use the acid ape application on my tablet to enjoy my board, using the lichess application would be a plus and I do not want to change my OS.
If you have any questions that could help you, do not hesitate to ask me.
Thank you all
Thanks for your answer The_shrike, i will try that this week-end. Evrything is in english and i need to transalte. Thanks again

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