
the strangest things that have ever happened to you

Here I have a lamp, an ordinary lamp, I jump on my bed and feel pain, I lift the blanket and see this... A LAMP!? She was seriously lying under the blanket....... MAGIC o((⊙_⊙))
i literally saw this VERY vivid dream where me and my classmates were being sent of to prison by train. i was to stay there for 14 months while my friend'd be there until she was 27 (maybe 28 idk) . at the stop me and another friend (about whom i have feelings btw) went out to investigate and figure out how to free SO many people. When we returned the station portal vanished. SOMEBODY TELL ME WHAT THAT DREAM MEANT
@ang001 said in #3:
> i literally saw this VERY vivid dream where me and my classmates were being sent of to prison by train. i was to stay there for 14 months while my friend'd be there until she was 27 (maybe 28 idk) . at the stop me and another friend (about whom i have feelings btw) went out to investigate and figure out how to free SO many people. When we returned the station portal vanished. SOMEBODY TELL ME WHAT THAT DREAM MEANT
It means you need to propose to the friend for whom u had feelings
@TPT2010 said in #4:
> It means you need to propose to the friend for whom u had feelings
I guess so
I'm schizophrenic, too many strange things have happened to me to mention , but I held onto Gods love throughout. xxx
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@ang001 said in #3:
> i literally saw this VERY vivid dream where me and my classmates were being sent of to prison by train. i was to stay there for 14 months while my friend'd be there until she was 27 (maybe 28 idk) . at the stop me and another friend (about whom i have feelings btw) went out to investigate and figure out how to free SO many people. When we returned the station portal vanished. SOMEBODY TELL ME WHAT THAT DREAM MEANT

to give a good answer to you ,you have to tell us what kind of train it was but from this knowledge i can tell you that there is nothing to worry abaut
@Oportunist said in #8:
> to give a good answer to you ,you have to tell us what kind of train it was but from this knowledge i can tell you that there is nothing to worry abaut
steam engine

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